

Leagues are weekly disc golf events where players scores are kept over a determined period of time. At the end of the time period, scores are tallied and winners are determined. Like traditional ball golf, disc golf leagues exist in a variety of formats, including singles, doubles, and best disc. They can be competitive or non-competitive. We have a variety of league options for every different type of player.

Come join the fun!

  • Singles League (non-competitive)

    We have a single play league that runs throughout the summer. Players can enter their weekly scores any time throughout the week in the UDisc app.
    Cost = free

  • Doubles League (non-competitive)

    Our doubles league also runs throughout the summer with flexible starting times.
    Cost = free

  • PDGA Sanctioned League (competitive)

    Coming soon!
    We will be starting a PDGA-sanctioned league starting soon. This league will have set times and count towards your PDGA ranking.
    Cost = TBD